Genesis 1:1-3
God’s desire to create and nurture life is reflected in the world He made.
God’s desire to create and nurture life is reflected in the world He made.
A leader’s role includes managing the performance of others, whether at home or in organizational settings.
The Bible gives us examples of many who heard the call to exalt God and serve others, some who paved the way for Jesus’ coming, some who followed in His footsteps.
To love, live, and lead like Jesus, is more than a catchphrase, more than a lesson to be taught.
As God’s people, we are not to live lives characterized by sin.
One of the saddest verses in Scripture is John 12:37: “Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.”
What does it look like for you to honor God today? Does it mean showing up and giving your best when you don’t feel like it, moving forward in faith regardless of circumstances?
When we are secure in our identity in Christ, we have no need to promote, protect, or prove ourselves.
As the Hebrews wandered in the wilderness they lived on manna, which appeared each day according to God’s promise and provision.
God knows the desire of our hearts. He understands the meaning behind the words we pray, whether we blurt them out or struggle to find the right words.