Romans 11:36
Have you ever wondered why God placed us on this planet?
Have you ever wondered why God placed us on this planet?
Each generation becomes more addicted to the sedatives of life, to dull the pain of living.
There may be times when we as leaders find ourselves hesitating to move forward with what God has given us to do.
A true sacrament is not a mere creed, or ordinance, or form, but it is a life of service to God and to man.
How easy it is to get our eyes off our own hearts and become obsessed with the failures and frailties of others.
Love doesn’t overlook problems. Love communicates clearly; establishes expectations, goals, and boundaries; journeys with, empowers, and holds people accountable.
Rest is one of God’s values. He designed life with daily, weekly, and seasonal periods to be set aside for rest and renewal.
Abram and Sarai repeatedly tried to help God fulfill His promise of a son.
We call the days from Palm Sunday to Easter ‘Holy Week.’ These eight days lead Jesus from the heights of public acclamation and through the depths of unjust judgment and suffering, culminating in glorious resurrection.
Worry overwhelms thoughts and emotions, clouding judgment and priorities, and stirring up anxiety and irritability.