
15 Minutes with God

I have noticed, and I’m sure you have too, that people are not reading their Bible regularly. You and I are living in an extremely very busy world. We get so busy with natural things that we don’t have time for Spiritual things, like, READING YOUR BIBLE, which we all know and feel is the most important thing we can do. But often we ask HOW; my day is so full.


Several years ago there was a phrase WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?). To answer this question we would need to go to the ONLY book in the world that records what Jesus did, especially in the Four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. 15 MINUTES A DAY WITH GOD, will help you to regularly read your Bible each day till it eventually becomes a habit. Surely we can take 15 minutes to find the answer to the question, WWJD?

This book combines two books into one; Reading the Bible and a Daily Devotional. There are NO comments, just the pure Word of God.

Enjoy 15 minutes of your day with God.

– Bill Myers

P.S. All proceeds go to Jangkar Harapan Indonesia (Tel-A-Village).

Price: FREE
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Donations would be appreciated.