The Women of God Now
Rev. Evie Johana started her ministry in 1998 and has been a pastor since 2015 until now in a church in the greater Jakarta region. Wanita Allah (Women of God in English) program is hosted by Ps. Evie Johana Deil and is full of life lessons for Christian Women based on Proverbs 31:10-31. This program aims to give Christian women a better understanding of the Biblical concept of happiness in marriage.

Women of God is made for women who are about to get married and are in the process of preparing themselves mentally as best as possible according to God’s Word. It is also for married women that need a reminder of what the word of God says about being a good wife. To add, this is for unmarried women to remain women who live in the truth of the Word God wherever they are. Lastly it is for those who believe in the Lord Jesus and want to learn to have a humble attitude that is willing to be taught, allow God to work, and obey God’s Word.
This is the heart of Women of God: “To be Christian Women who apply and also practice God’s Word, always living in holiness, and when there is a problem, to hurry up to change and return to His way so that all Christian Women will live happily in peace.”
The first episode of The Women of God Program can be accessed via the Youtube link below and you can watch other episodes of Women of God through JHI TV or through the KUGO Application. For those of you who want to use our content for your church, community or need other information, please contact us at the number listed below. Jesus bless you.
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