Matthew 9:b-10
Mighty Servants of God. The days of our lives are in God’s hands. He uses every one of them to transform us into the image of Jesus, even the hard ones. He sustains us as we live in this broken world, and He longs for our broken world to be made new. As we pray and offer each day to Him, the Holy Spirit empowers us to participate with God in the work of redemption. Let Him transform you so that the life you live on earth reflects life in heaven.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. – Matthew 9:b-10
Prayer: Father, I give You my life and the moments of this day. As I humbly and confidently focus on living for You, transform my heart and mind. Let Your will be done through me so that earth looks more like heaven today than it did yesterday. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.